Four Ways to Spot an Untrustworthy Home Builder

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Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future. That statement holds a lot of truth for any relationship, especially a relationship with a builder for a new home. You are making a huge financial investment in their work, and you’ll be working closely with this builder for several months, sometimes over a year.

And even more importantly, this builder is building the home of your dreams. The space where memories will be made, dinner will be cooked, and holidays will be celebrated.

At the foundation, you want a builder you can trust. Someone you can count on to deliver on your dream.

Here are four ways to spot an untrustworthy builder.

Absent on Communication

Never has the phrase ‘communication is key’ been more fitting than in the home building process. Not only do you want to be comfortable having conversations with the people building your dream home, but you also want them to be responsive. If you try to contact them and they take a long time to get back to you, that might be indicative of them either being too busy or not prioritizing communication. Equally important, if you do talk to them and their personal communication style doesn’t match yours, ditch the future headaches before they start.

Failed the Interview

The process of building a home is lengthy, emotional, and full of details, so it’s recommended to interview several home builders before deciding. Meeting individually with several builders will provide you key insight in how each of them approaches the process. If you are struggling with the builder’s responses in the first meeting with them, this might be an indication of how it will feel to work with them long-term.

Work Lacks Quality

Want to know if a builder’s work meets your needs and expectations? Go see their work. (A reputable and reliable builder will want you to check them out.) Ask to view recent builds or builds in progress. You can learn a lot about a builder from a construction job site—like their attention to detail, how they care for the property, and the integrity of their work at various stages.

Imbalance in Reviews

Since no one is perfect, bad reviews can happen to good builders. But if the amount of one star reviews and criticism heavily outweighs the five star and positive reviews, you may want to hit the brakes. You can also get a lot of important insight from people who have previously used them to build their home.

You deserve a builder who has integrity and will care for you throughout the entire process. Those are important qualities to us and deciding factors in choosing partners.

If you have questions about a custom builder, let us know. Because if you show us your builder, it’s likely we can give you an idea about your future home. Benefit from our long history in the construction business and our strong relationships in the Kansas City community of builders. Give us a call at 913-583-9889.

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